2015 YEAR BOOK 二零一五年德明校刊
七月四日,五日,康乐组主办马六甲两天一夜游,共有28位校友及亲属参与这次的活动。除了参观名胜地如红屋,圣保罗教堂,峇峇博物馆,燕窝工厂,有机农场,土产店, 蜂蜜工厂, 娘惹糕工厂,也游马六甲河以及去东甲吃榴莲。
• 声乐班每逢星期三7.30pm举办民族美声班。
• 每逢星期四8pm假母校举办杨氏太极健身班。
The Youth Alumni (YA) has been actively supporting our alma mater, reaching out.
Youth Alumni Support for DHS Scholarship & Higher Education Committee
• Updating the CSHE Guidebook 2015
o Team of 5 YA assisting the Committee to update and enhance the existing Scholarship & Higher Education Guidebook to help juniors make post-A level decisions.
• Co-Organizing CSHE Day – May 2015
o Over 10 newly graduated YA were back in school to share about their Senior Experiences with current Year 4s juniors to help them prepare for Senior High next year.
• Organizing YA Sharing Session @Senior High Learning Fest – July 2015
o A panel of 12 YA who are pursuing or have pursued University studies from various Universities capped off the Senior High Learning Fest with a lively panel debate on the tough choices one has to make after A-levels. From going abroad to applying to scholarship applications, our YA shared different perspectives and experiences, so as to give our juniors a heads-up on what to expect post-As!
• University World Café – July 2015
o 7 YA who are pursuing or have pursued studies in various parts of the world returned to Dunman High to share their experiences and tips with our juniors. Over a morning of candid sharing, we hope to have inspired our juniors to dare to dream about the exciting prospects waiting for them out
Youth Alumni Overseas Service learning trip to Cambodia (Team DAISY)
• The YA’s very own service learning project has been sustainably serving the same Cambodian rural community for the last 5 years. In the process, we have brought about better water storage, energy efficient systems and educational resources to the needy.
• Team DAISY’s next trip will be in December 2015 and we look forward to improving local waste disposal processes to improve our beneficiaries’ environmental health and hygiene.
Youth Alumni UK Branch
• Numerous meet-ups, social gatherings, festivals all year round.
Youth Alumni China Branch
• Meet-ups with visiting DHS teachers and students.
Youth Alumni Homecoming – 1 August 2015
Fantastic atmosphere, great food and good-old companion! What more could you ask for? The Dunman High School Youth Alumni (DHSYA) had her annual Youth Alumni Homecoming on Saturday, 1st August 2015, at the Dunman High School basketball courts. In line with tradition, a mega barbeque session was arranged for ex-Dunmanians and teachers, young and old (even those with kids!), to come together to relive the good old times.
As the sun went down, the atmosphere grew even livelier and over 200 alumnus crowded around the barbeque pits in groups and had their hands at getting the fire started and barbequing the food. Our Principal, Dr Foo Suan Fong, gave the Opening Address, after which energetic emcees entertained the crowd to mark the beginning of the Homecoming.
Soon after, the school grounds were filled with resounding chatter and the aroma of barbequed food. It was indeed heartwarming to witness Dunmanians, many of whom have already moved on to university or working life, reconnecting with one another!
The night was rounded up near midnight, with many helping out voluntarily with the clearing up of the courts and returning of canteen equipments. All in all, the YA Homecoming 2015 was a resounding success that left Dunmanians with satisfied stomachs, and more importantly, happy hearts. We’re definitely looking forward to seeing more back for fun and laughter at the Homecoming in 2016!